Learn the Basics

React Native is like React, but it uses native components instead of web components as building blocks. So to understand the basic structure of a React Native app, you need to understand some of the basic React concepts, like JSX, components, state, and props. If you already know React, you still need to learn some React-Native-specific stuff, like the native components. This tutorial is aimed at all audiences, whether you have React experience or not.

NOTE: All this content and more can be found at its source website:

Let's do this thing.

Hello World

In accordance with the ancient traditions of our people, we must first build an app that does nothing except say "Hello world". Here it is:

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Text, View } from 'react-native';
export default class HelloWorldApp extends Component {
	render() {
		return (
			<Text>Hello world!</Text>

So this code is defining HelloWorldApp, a new Component. When you're building a React Native app, you'll be making new components a lot. Anything you see on the screen is some sort of component. A component can be pretty simple - the only thing that's required is a render function which returns some JSX to render.


Most components can be customized when they are created, with different parameters. These creation parameters are called props. For example, one basic React Native component is the Image. When you create an image, you can use a prop named source to control what image it shows.

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { AppRegistry, Image } from 'react-native';
export default class Bananas extends Component {
  render() {
    let pic = {
      uri: 'https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/de/Bananavarieties.jpg'
    return (
      <Image source={pic} style={{width: 193, height: 110}}/>

// skip this line if using Create React Native App
AppRegistry.registerComponent('AwesomeProject', () => Bananas);

Notice that {pic} is surrounded by braces, to embed the variable pic into JSX. You can put any JavaScript expression inside braces in JSX.

Your own components can also use props. This lets you make a single component that is used in many different places in your app, with slightly different properties in each place. Just refer to this.props in your render function. Here's an example:

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { AppRegistry, Text, View } from 'react-native';

class Greeting extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <Text>Hello {this.props.name}!</Text>

export default class LotsOfGreetings extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <View style={{alignItems: 'center'}}>
        <Greeting name='Rexxar' />
        <Greeting name='Jaina' />
        <Greeting name='Valeera' />

// skip this line if using Create React Native App
AppRegistry.registerComponent('AwesomeProject', () => LotsOfGreetings);

Using name as a prop lets us customize the Greeting component, so we can reuse that component for each of our greetings. This example also uses the Greeting component in JSX, just like the built-in components. The power to do this is what makes React so cool - if you find yourself wishing that you had a different set of UI primitives to work with, you just invent new ones.

The other new thing going on here is the View component. A View is useful as a container for other components, to help control style and layout.

With props and the basic Text, Image, and View components, you can build a wide variety of static screens. To learn how to make your app change over time, you need to learn about State.


There are two types of data that control a component: props and state. props are set by the parent and they are fixed throughout the lifetime of a component. For data that is going to change, we have to use state.

In general, you should initialize state in the constructor, and then call setState when you want to change it.

For example, let's say we want to make text that blinks all the time. The text itself gets set once when the blinking component gets created, so the text itself is a prop. The "whether the text is currently on or off" changes over time, so that should be kept in state.

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { AppRegistry, Text, View } from 'react-native';

class Blink extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {isShowingText: true};

    // Toggle the state every second
    setInterval(() => {
      this.setState(previousState => {
        return { isShowingText: !previousState.isShowingText };
    }, 1000);

  render() {
    let display = this.state.isShowingText ? this.props.text : ' ';
    return (

export default class BlinkApp extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
        <Blink text='I love to blink' />
        <Blink text='Yes blinking is so great' />
        <Blink text='Why did they ever take this out of HTML' />
        <Blink text='Look at me look at me look at me' />

// skip this line if using Create React Native App
AppRegistry.registerComponent('AwesomeProject', () => BlinkApp);

In a real application, you probably won't be setting state with a timer. You might set state when you have new data arrived from the server, or from user input. You can also use a state container like Redux or Mobx to control your data flow. In that case you would use Redux or Mobx to modify your state rather than calling setState directly.

When setState is called, BlinkApp will re-render its Component. By calling setState within the Timer, the component will re-render every time the Timer ticks.

State works the same way as it does in React, so for more details on handling state, you can look at the React.Component API. At this point, you might be annoyed that most of our examples so far use boring default black text. To make things more beautiful, you will have to learn about Style.


With React Native, you don't use a special language or syntax for defining styles. You just style your application using JavaScript. All of the core components accept a prop named style. The style names and values usually match how CSS works on the web, except names are written using camel casing, e.g backgroundColor rather than background-color.

The style prop can be a plain old JavaScript object. That's the simplest and what we usually use for example code. You can also pass an array of styles - the last style in the array has precedence, so you can use this to inherit styles.

As a component grows in complexity, it is often cleaner to use StyleSheet.create to define several styles in one place. Here's an example:

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { AppRegistry, StyleSheet, Text, View } from 'react-native';

export default class LotsOfStyles extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
        <Text style={styles.red}>just red</Text>
        <Text style={styles.bigblue}>just bigblue</Text>
        <Text style={[styles.bigblue, styles.red]}>bigblue, then red</Text>
        <Text style={[styles.red, styles.bigblue]}>red, then bigblue</Text>

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  bigblue: {
    color: 'blue',
    fontWeight: 'bold',
    fontSize: 30,
  red: {
    color: 'red',

// skip this line if using Create React Native App
AppRegistry.registerComponent('AwesomeProject', () => LotsOfStyles);

One common pattern is to make your component accept a style prop which in turn is used to style subcomponents. You can use this to make styles "cascade" the way they do in CSS.

There are a lot more ways to customize text style. Check out the Text component reference for a complete list.

More Resources

If you just read through this website, you should be able to build a pretty cool React Native app. But React Native isn't just a product made by one company - it's a community of thousands of developers. So if you're interested in React Native, here's some related stuff you might want to check out.

Popular Libraries

If you're using React Native, you probably already know about React. So I feel a bit silly mentioning this. But if you haven't, check out React - it's the best way to build a modern website.

One common question is how to handle the "state" of your React Native application. The most popular library for this is Redux. Don't be afraid of how often Redux uses the word "reducer" - it's a pretty simple library, and there's also a nice series of videos explaining it.

If you're looking for a library that does a specific thing, check out Awesome React Native, a curated list of components that also has demos, articles, and other stuff.


Try out apps from the Showcase to see what React Native is capable of! There are also some example apps on GitHub. You can run the apps on a simulator or device, and you can see the source code for these apps, which is neat.

The folks who built the app for Facebook's F8 conference also open-sourced the code and wrote up a detailed series of tutorials. This is useful if you want a more in-depth example that's more realistic than most sample apps out there.

Extending React Native

  • Fellow developers write and publish React Native modules to npm and open source them on GitHub.
  • Making modules helps grow the React Native ecosystem and community. We recommend writing modules for your use cases and sharing them on npm.
  • Read the guides on Native Modules (iOS, Android) and Native UI Components (iOS, Android) if you are interested in extending native functionality.
  • Looking for a pre-built component? Check JS.coach or Native Directory to find what the community has been creating.

Development Tools

Nuclide is the IDE that Facebook uses internally for JavaScript development. The killer feature of Nuclide is its debugging ability. It also has great inline Flow support. VS Code is another IDE that is popular with JavaScript developers.

Ignite is a starter kit that uses Redux and a few different common UI libraries. It has a CLI to generate apps, components, and containers. If you like all of the individual tech choices, Ignite could be perfect for you.

App Center is a service from Microsoft that makes it easy to deploy live updates to your React Native app. If you don't like going through the app store process to deploy little tweaks, and you also don't like setting up your own backend, give App Center a try.

Expo is a development environment plus application that focuses on letting you build React Native apps in the Expo development environment, without ever touching Xcode or Android Studio. If you wish React Native was even more JavaScripty and webby, check out Expo.

Yoga is a stand-alone layout engine that extends beyond React Native and allows product engineers to build layouts quickly for multiple platforms with a highly optimized open source layout engine designed with speed, size, and ease of use in mind.

The React Developer Tools are great for debugging React and React Native apps.